Booking & Hotel

English : +82-70-7012-7371

Japanese : +82-70-7012-7200

Chinese : +82-70-7012-7707

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GMT +9:00, Korea time

MON - FRI 09:00 ~ 18:00

(Except for Korea holidays)

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Hikari Global''''s top priority is to empower your business, increase productivity, improve customer service, reduce operational costs and increase profitability.


Supplying online booking systems various travel related options(hotels, car rental) for land companies and travel agencies.


Provides real- time booking system for precise and prompt responses based on XML.

We ensure that our high quality serviced will provide full of satisfaction to our customers.
Our Products & Services
  • Managing Expert System

    • Prompt responses with accuracy through our real-time reservations system

    • Expanding product sales through attraction reservation system

  • Booking Hotels Globally

    • Not only hotel arrangements in Japan but also southeast Asia by operating English website

  • Car Rental Service

    • Increasing reservation rate by expanding car rental business by partnering with Toyota.

    • Entry to travel market through car rental service

  • Attraction ticket Service

    • The business of attractions are expanding for global service.

Hikari Global’s Power with unique and special Know-how
  • Systematic or ganization management

    • Local trading partner management system through direct transactions.

    • Financial soundness secured by debt- free management.

    • Inspiring the ownership of all staff through stockholder''''s rights (*lowest rate of turnover)

  • Profit-Oriented management

    • Expansion new business based on existing business profitability and strengthening the portfolio.

    • Strengthen base of the revenue through aligning organizational culture with being results-oriented.

    • “Blue Ocean” area development

  • Emphasis on human resources

    • The highest level of expertise for training

    • Expert development system continually supporting vocational training.

    • Establish an organizational culture with creative & challenge mind.