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About us

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The Most competitive hotel booking company in Korea.

We ensure that our high quality serviced will provide full of satisfaction to our customers.

• Hikari Global Corporation is one of the best professional hotel booking companies in Korea based on XML / B2B / B2B2C system. Especially, we are responsible for oversea tours, primarily focusing on Japan, Singapore, Hong Kong, Thailand, and other South east Asia.

• Hikari global provides unique services for searching the world for enjoyable experiences. We use our passion to focus on giving best impression, and to be truthful to our partners.

*What “HIKARI” stands for?

It stands for “ light” in Japanese. We are always pleasure to provide the best services to our customers such as the light in darkness.

Company Name Hikari Global Co., Ltd.
President & CEO Joo Won-Hye, 성장근
Established Date 2005.02 Established a Japanese corporation
2009.07 Established a Korean corporation
Home Page Korean B2B Site :
Global B2B Site

Company Profile

in 2015

Jan. Increased the capital stock to USD 460,000 (KRW 460,000,000)

Mar. Opened Tokyo branch (Tokyo, Japan)

in 2014

Mar. Extended Osaka Branch

Apr. Selected by SOLARE HOTEL & RESORTS as an award Contribution 2013

May. Activated ˝Car rental reservation system (B2B)˝

Jun. Achieved 1,800 car rentals (5,000 car rentals in 2014)

Jun. Provided our reservation system to China travel agency, “Ctrip (NASDAQ)”

Jul. Activated ˝Car rental reservation system (B2B2C)˝

in 2013

Jan. Established our subsidiary company “E-tourbaksa”

Jan. Started Hotel reservation system and attraction business in Southeast Asia.

May. Selected as “1% hope working sharing company” by Pusan city (Organizer: Pusan city )

Jun. Changed name of corporation to ‘Hikari Global” from “Lovely Tour” and declared new CI

Jul. Started FIT travel with Car Rental Service and attraction reservation system

Jul. Launched real-time reservation system for “RTS” (XML)

in 2012

Jan. XML system ? Implementation of real-time B2B hotel reservation system

Feb. Provided XML hotel reservation system to

Jul. Changed name of the corporation to Lovely Tour from Japan Hikari

Oct. Began working on real-time hotel reservation system for eBay Korea (

in 2011

Nov. Merged with “Land Doctor” Chinese tour agency (Uridle Tour Co., Ltd.) to enter the Chinese Market

Dec. Achieved first place among Hotel suppliers for Kyushu, Japan

in 2010

Jan. Strategic partnership with 10Hotel (B2C)

May. Selected as a supply partner of Airtel by Asiana Airlines

Jul. Opened Osaka branch(Osaka,Japan)

Jul. Provided real-time B2B2C hotel reservation system to travel agencies

Oct. Increased capital to KRW 350 million

Dec. Achieved 200,000 of guests, Achieved KRW 1.3 billion sales amount, Achieved the No. 1 hotel seller for Kyushu

in 2009

Jun. Acquired Japanese subsidiary “Hikari Tour”

Jul. Established Japan Hikari Co., Ltd., a Korean corporation, in Busan, Korea

Oct. Acquired about 460 clients through the reservation system (B2B)

Oct. Strategic partnership with TourBaksa (B2C)

Oct. Selected as a supply partner of Airtel by Korean Air

Nov. Opened Seoul branch, Increased capital to KRW 200 million

in 2005

Feb. Established Hikari Tour Corp., a Japanese corporation in Fukuoka